Key to Primary Indian Spices and their Healing Properties-Part IV

Benjamin Franklin said "Much Virtue in Herbs, little in Men.”
If you had been following my preceding posts about Indian Spices and their healing properties,you will have known the benefits of each of them.In this post I will give you information about Dill,Fennel and Ginger.


Dill seeds play a specific role in medicine.Dill seeds are often eaten after a meal,since they enhance the secretion of digestive juices,cleanse the mouth,and reduce flatulence.
The key benefits of Dill are-
  1.An infusion of seeds and water relieves colic and hiccups.
  2.Dill seeds soothe the stomach by enhancing the secretion of digestive juices.
  3.Relieves colds and flu.

Fennel Seed

Fennel is part of every Indian household's medicine chest.There are several varieties of fennel in India.The seeds when infused in water are given to infants to relieve wheezing,asthma,and colic,and to adults to reduce fevers and indigestion.Fennel seeds are also taken after meals as they act as breath freshener.
The key benefits are-
  1.It combats diseases of the chest,spleen and kidney.
  2.It reduces heat in the body.
  3.It provides an excellent remedy for stomach and intestinal disorders.


This flavorful root has been used for centuries in Indian cuisine and medicine.Ginger has a hot,vibrant flavor and is an excellent aphrodisiac and digestive.It is good for rheumatism and relieves nausea.Chewing fresh ginger relieves sore throat and hoarseness.
The Key Benefits of ginger are-
  1.Combats cardiac disorders,since it has anti coagulant and anti cholestrol properties.
  2.Chewing fresh ginger cleanses the throat and tongue.
  3.Ginger tea warms the body and soothes fevers,motion sickness and nausea.

Fluffy Lemon Couscous Salad

A dish of international renown, couscous is the ambassador of North African cuisine and the epitome of the delicacy of Moroccan culinary art.Some people consider it as pasta and attribute its origin to China ;while some others claim its origin to East africa.Couscous granules are made by rolling and shaping moistened semolina wheat and then coating them with finely ground wheat flour. The finished granules are roughly spherical shape and about one millimetre in diameter before cooking. Different cereals may be used regionally to produce the granules. Traditional couscous requires considerable preparation time and is usually steamed.
               In many places, a more-processed, quick-cook couscous is available and is particularly valued for its short preparation time. Couscous is traditionally served under a meat or vegetable stew. It can also be eaten alone, flavored or plain, warm or cold , or as a side dish.

The first time I heard about couscous was from a friend who had lived for considerable time in Cyprus.She was describing Salad made from Couscous and I was intrigued.So the next time ,I was out in whole food store I went looking for it.
This is a easy and fast recipe for couscous salad and it goes well with Grilled Salmon,Grilled Chicken  or as a dish in itself.

1 cup Couscous
2 cups Vegetable Stock/Chicken Stock/Plain Water
1/2 tsp salt ( or more depnding on your taste)

3 tblsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup -1 cup chopped fresh parsely leaves(I like more of the parsley leaves,since they give a fresh earthy taste to the Salad)
1/2  red onion finely chopped
1 Zuchinni finely diced
1/2 Green Pepper(Capsicum) Finely Diced
1/2  Yellow Pepper finely diced
1  tomato finely diced
2-3 tsp olive oil
Black pepper(acc. to taste)

1.Boil 1 and 1/2 cup of liquid with 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp Olive oil.
2.Put 1 cup Couscous in  Salad Bowl.Once the liquid is boiled ,pour it over Couscous  and  cover the Salad bowl with a plate for about 5 minutes.
3.After 3 minutes have elaspsed fluff the Couscous using a  fork ,if couscous seems too dry add 1/2 cup of the remaining liquid.
4.Once the liquid has been absorbed,add the lemon juice,2 tsp olive oil,Black pepper and the finely diced vegetables and parsley leaves.
5.Mix well.Adjust the seasonings and lemon juie according to taste.
6.Serve Cold or at room temperature.
7.Serve with Salmon or Grilled Chicken.

Dhania Chutney

Chutney is a word incorporated into English from Hindi,describing a pasty sauce in Indian Cuisine.Chutneys usually are wet, having a coarse to fine texture. In the past,chutneys were made using stone mortar and pestle.Nowadays, electric blenders replace the stone implements. Various spices are added and ground, usually in a particular order.
Chutneys come in two major groups, sweet and hot; both forms usually contain various spices, including chili, but differ by their main flavour.The Various types of chutney are-

2.Mint (Usually Coriander and Pudina Chutneys are also referred to as Hari(in Hindi Hari means Green) Chutney)
3.Tamarind Chutney(Imli Chutney,also referred as Meethi Chutney as in Hindi Meethi means Sweet)
4. Coconut Chutney
5.Prune Chutney
6.Tomato Chutney
7.Red Chili Chutney
8.Green Chili Chutney
9.Mango Chutney(made from raw ,green mangoes)
10.Cilantro Mint Coconut chutney
11.Tomato Onion chutney
12.Peanut chutney
13.Garlic Chutney
       to name a few
American and European styled chutneys are usually fruit, vinegar and sugar, cooked down to a reduction.
Flavorings are always added to the mix. These may include sugar, salt, garlic, tamarind, onion, or ginger.
Spices most commonly include fenugreek, coriander, cumin and asafoetida.

3 rounded cups fresh cilantro leaves, chopped (some stems ok) packed lightly
1 small onion-peeled and chopped

small piece of ginger
1 -2 tsp jeera (cumin) seeds
lime/lemon juice as per taste
salt per taste
1 -2 green chilies as per taste
1 tbsp unsalted peanuts

1.Wash the cilantro leaves very well and place the cilantro leaves,chopped onion,ginger,chilies and unsalted peanuts in a blender and blend until smooth,adding a little water if necessary.
2.When a fine paste is formed add the seasonings and lemon juice,adjusting seasonings if necessary.
3.Eat this with Indian food (including as a dip for poppadom), use as a condiment for roasted or smoked meats and poultry, serve with grilled foods, including fish.

1.You can store the chutney in the refrigerator for a week and it retains the same fresh green color.
2.If you want to make chutney in bulk and freeze it there are two ways to go around it.
     (a) Make the paste as written in step 1 and instead of adding water ,add vegetable oil to blend the  cilantro.Also do not add salt and lemon juice.Store the paste in an airtight container in the freezer and whenever you need it,just add the required amount of lemon juice and salt.
     (b) The second method....which is tried and tested more often than I care to admit .This trick was shared by my friend Sonal.Make green Chutney the way suggested above.Keep as much as you require for use for a week or so in an airtight container in refrigerator,For the rest-spread the chutney inside a Ziploc freezer bag and put the freezer bag vertically in the freezer ,till the chutney freezes.When you are ready to use the frozen chutney,open the Ziploc bag  and the frozen chutney can be snapped just like chips.Let it thaw at room temperature or if in hurry,thaw it in microwave for few seconds.

Key to Primary Indian Spices and their Healing Properties-Part III

I wanted to share the benefits of spices and how they help us.I have shared knowledge of 6 different spices earlier and you can see it here and here.
I will start this post  with a quote from Hippocratus "Let thy kitchen be thy apothecary; and, Let foods be your medicine."


Coriander is such a vesatile spice that its leaves,seeds and even the roots are used in Indian cooking and medecine.It is a very popular culinary plant in india.Coriander is cooling in nature.Fresh corainder juice is used externally or internally to cure allergies,skin rashes and inflammation.The seeds when crushed,roasted a and infused in warm water are diuretic and increase the flow of urine.
The key benefits of coriander are-
  1.Aids digestion
  2.May reduce cholestrol and aid eyesight.

Fenugreek Seed

Feugreek seeds are prominent part of Indian food ,culture and medecine.It is a strong scented herb.The seeds are very rich in iron and are excellent in combating anemia in pre and post partum mothers.
The Key benenfits of fenugreek are-
  1.It is good for diabetics as it enhances the performance of insulin.
  2.It soothes persistent cough.
  3.Relieves flatulence and aids digestion.
  4.Both fenugreek seeds and leaves are cooling to the body.


Garlic is also known as "bulb of life" has been known for its medecinal properties for centuries in India.All parts of the plant are eaten;the seeds are sweet,stems have astringent quality,garlic crowns havesalinity,the leaves are bitter and the garlic bulbs are pungent.
Garlic is added to majority of Indian curries as it lends a good flavor and as with many other spices it has digestive qualities.
Key benefits of Garlic are-
  1.It was traditionally used for treating asthma,deafness,and congestion.
  2.It is a powerful detoxifier,rejuvenator, and cleanser for blood.
  3.Lowers cholestroland blood pressure,and relieves rheumatism.

Key to Primary Indian Spices and their Healing Properties-Part II

I will start this part of our education about spices with a quote from Jack Turner"Chemically, the qualities that make a spice a spice are its rare essential oils and oleoresins, highly volatile compounds that impart to the spices their flavor, aroma, and preservative properties"
 In this post I will discuss the following spices Cardamom,Cumin and Cloves.


Indian spices are like a dynasty ,just like black pepper is known as king of spices...cardamom is known as queen of spices.It holds a very important place in Indian cooking.
The key benefits of cardamom are-
  1.Cardamom is a key digestive and is used to treat stomach disorders.
  2.It is fragrant and has been used since ancient times as breath freshner.It refreshes the breath and soothes   the throat.
  3.It helps to prevent vomiting.


Cumin is used in the regional cooking and medecine in every part of India.It is such a versatile soice that it is used in street food and banquets .It is blended into drinks to provide cooling effects  against indigestion and protect against water borne stomach infections.The base of the digetive properties of cumin seeds lies in the toasted seeds.Although cumin has an inherently hot don't feel the heat in the taste.Cumin is believed to purify blood,stimulate digestive juicesand reduces nausea.
The key benefits of cumin are-
  1.Purifies blood and protect against stomach infections.
  2.It is easily digested and effective in relieving indigestion ,gas and flatulence.
  3.When cumin is infused in hot water,it is believed to provide relief against colds and fever.


In ancient ayurvedic texts clove is described as "the flowers of the heavens."Cloves are the unopened flower buds of the clove tree ,which are picked and dried in the sun.Cloves are known for their properties to combat acidity and purify blood.
The key benefits of cloves are-
  1.Cloves acts as stimulants and are aromatic.
  2.Their antiseptic action helps numb the digestive system and reduce gastric pain.
  3.Relieve colic.

Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins

These muffins remind me of fall season when apples and pumpkin are in season.I have tried this recipe with fresh apples....making applesauce at home and then making pumpkin puree at home and it turned out to be tooo good to be true,but then for saving time I have also used store brought applesauce and pumpkin puree and they are just as scrumptious.This recipe makes quite a few muffins ,so I freeze them or make two loaves of bread.

1 1/2 tablespoon's melted butter or cooking spray( for greasing the muffin cups)
3 1/3 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter,softened
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup applesauce
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cup apple juice,cider or orange juice
1 1/2 cups raisins

1.Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and grease 12  half cup muffin cups.Sift together the dry ingredients.
2.Beat the butter and sugar for about 2-3 minutes.Add the eggs,applesauce,pumpkin,and vanilla and beat lightly.
3.Alternately add some of the fry ingredients  and pour in some of the apple juice or cider,beating until smooth.Fold in raisins.
4.Spoon the batter into greased muffin tins,filling each cup two-thirds full.Bake in the middle of the oven for 20-25 minutes,or until puffed and a toothpick comes out clean.
5.Cool for few minutes in the pan and then turn out onto a rack for cooling.Serve the muffins warm or at room temperature.
6.The same batter can be used to bake Pumpkin Applesauce bread by baking in two 9 by 5 by 3 inch loaf pans for 5-60 minutes.Cool,remove from the pans ,cut into slices and serve.
7.The muffins and the bread freeze very well.For doing that wrap the bread in a piece of aluminium foil and then wrap the cling wrap tightly around.

1.The recipe calls for softened unsalted butter .Well there are two ways to go about it.You can leave the butter at room temperature to softened or in the microwave if you are in a hurry.I prefer the first option as it ensures that the cakes,muffins,bread etc are soft.
For more baking tips see this,and this.

Veggie Wrap with Hummus

The first time  ever I tried a veggie wrap,will look unusual to many people....well here it goes.My son was admitted in the hospital and I was staying with him.Since I had limited options in the hospital cafeteria (vegetarian options that is)...I opted for Veggie Wrap that was made on spinach wrap.I was enthralled.It is such a fulfilling snack which is also healthy.After that I have replicated this wrap many times at home.

1(12 inch ) Tortillas (You can use spinach,sun dried tomato,flour or jalapeno wrap)
1/8 cup cucumbers
1/8 cup shredded carrots
1/8 cup diced tomatoes
3 slices red onions
1/8 cup bell peppers
1/2 cup hummus
A pinch of salt
Pinch of black pepper

1.Microwave the tortillas for a few seconds so that it becomes pliable.
2.Spread hummus over wrap.
3.Sprinkle salt and pepper over the vegetables.Add the vegetables ,putting lettuce leaves on top.
4.Roll up in the form of burrito.If you want to keep the wrap in shape,you can use a toothpick to hold it together.
5.While serving cut it into half or eat it whole.
You can also use roasted vegetables as filling in the wrap.

Key to Primary Indian Spices and their Healing Properties-Part I

Christopher Columbus  said "But in truth, should I meet with gold or spices in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them. "
The above statement in itself explains the significance of spices since ancient times.Ayurveda ,the ancient medical system of India,encompasses the healing of body,mind and spirit though diet,lifestyle and rejuvenation.Food and diet can have a profound influence on maintaining good health.Ayurvedic doctors credit herbs  and spices (as well as certain foods) with health giving properties.Some of the most prominent seasonings used in Indian cooking with their therapeutic properties.

Black Pepper

Black pepper originates from green peppercorns,which when they dry in the sun become black.White peppercorns then originate from black peppercorns when they are soaked and their skins and pulp are removed.Indian cooking uses green,black and white peppercorns.Black pepper is known as king of spices.In India,black pepper is often  added to tea as a stimulant,and peppercorns are sucked to soothe a sore threat.
The key benefits of black pepper are-
  1.Aids digestion
  2.Improves appetite
  3.Since it is antibacterial,it prevents diseases.

Chile Peppers

Chile peppers were introduced in India by the Portugese,but it is impossible to imagine Indian cooking without them now.Similar to black pepper,chiles are warming to body.They are used in Ayurvedic medecine to promote digestion and to soothe a sore throat.When ground with coriander seeds and ginger,chiles soothe abdominal pains and nausea.
The key benefits of chile peppers are-
  1.It contains more Vitamin C than citrus fruits .They also contain Vitamin A.
  2.They soothe abdominal pain,nausea,and throat irritation.


Cinnamon ,along with cardamom and bay leaf is part of Ayurvedic triangle of aromatics used to heal the body and disguise the taste of medecine.Cinnamon Tea,made by steeping cinnamon in warm water,is beneficial as it harmonizes the flow of circulation,aids digestion,and helps the stomach to discharge gas.It also reduces nausea and congestion.
The key benefits of cinnamon are-
  1.Strengthens the heart,stimulates the kidneys,and aids circulation.
  2.Cinnamon oil is used to soothe headaches,rheumatic pains,bosy aches and toothaches.
  3.Cinnamon tea soothes colds and nervous tensions and stimulates digestion.

Stay  tuned for more information about many other herbs and spices.

Mango Salsa

This Mango salsa serves great with all types of grilled seafood and meats.You can also use Pineapples and peaches instaed of mango.

4 ripe mangoes
1 medium red onion,peeled and minced
1 tsp ground cumin
Juice of 2 limes(about 6 tblsp)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper

1.Dice the mangoes into 1/4 inch pieces.
2.Add the remaining ingredients .Toss gently to mix,and let sit for few minutes.

Mango Lassi

Lassi's are popular yogurt drink in India.The sweet variety is made with different fresh fruit purees,and the savory drinks may be flavored with different spices.Lassis provide a refreshing complement to spicy Indian dishes,as they cool the body.

1 pound ripe mango flesh(about 2 mangoes),skin and pit removed
9 ounces whole-milk plain yogurt
3/4 cup milk
3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

1.Cut the mango into 1/2 inch pieces and blend until smooth in a blender.
2.Pour the yogurt into the blender with the mango and blend until smooth,about 1 1/2 minutes.Pour in the milk,sugar and lemon juice and blend for another minute.
3.Taste for seasoning,adjusting if necessary.Pour into glasses and serve.
